Concrete Mix Design Excel Sheet as per IS 10262 - 2019 Guidelines
Concrete Mix Design Excel Sheet as per IS 10262 - 2019 Guidelines
Guidelines for concrete mix designing revised with revision in IS 10262 in 2019.
I am sharing the excel sheet for concrete mix proportioning which is purely base on IS 10262 and can be used for designing of the normal concrete mixes from M10 to M60 grade with option of blending cement by doing part replacement with single mineral admixture.
You can still design the mixes using this excel sheet up to M80 grade and replacement possible in excel sheet is with single mineral admixture. after proportioning you can replace the cement from 5 to 10% with silica fume to achieve the desired result in high performance concrete mixes.
This excel sheet does not include the mix designing of Self Compacting Concrete and Mass Concrete Mixes.
The excel sheet is very simple to use and anyone with basic knowledge of the materials can do mix designing using this sheet, the process of designing of the mixes to be followed;
Do write the details in the green cells only and do not make edit in other cell as the excel sheet is not protected with password and you can edit anywhere in the sheet, accidental edits in the cells may lead to errors in the mix design sheet due to overriding of formula by values edited by you.
To design a mixes, start entering the data in following sequence.
Select the grade of concrete mix which you want to design from the drop down list, you have a choice in drop down from M10 to M80.
Select the type of structure from the drop down list - structures are defined as PCC and RCC as the durability requirements are associated with this two types.
Method of Placing - Select from the drop down - Either dump or pump. dump represents the concrete operations where manual handling of concrete do happens for pouring such as direct pouring, using chutes for pouring etc and in pump type concrete, pumping operations are involved which may be stationary concrete pump or movable mobile pump like boom placer - this has impact on the required amount of water for mix proportioning.
Maximum Size of Aggregates - Currently MSA is up to 20 mm size and in drop down you have option to design with either 20mm or 10mm as maximum size of aggregates - higher sizes will be included in mass concrete excel sheet for concrete mix design.
Workability in terms of slump value - Select the desired workability from the drop down from 0 to 200 mm.
Chemical Admixture to be used - you have two options in drop down either yes or no. if you are going to used Chemical Admixture then you need to have the details of admixture with you which are required for doing calculation and finalizing the mix proportions.
Air Content - Air content is automatically selected from the code as per MSA for non-air-entrained concrete, you can specify the air content value if you are designing air-entrained concrete or wish to have different air content by writing it in green cell.
Type of Cement - Select from the drop down the type of cement to be used, the strength calculations are base on the standard graph published in IS 10262 -2019 from W/c Ratio and strength of the cement. The specific gravity value is taken automatically but if the cement which you are using has different specific gravity, you can specify the same and that will be taken for doing calculations.
Recreated graph (there might be small error due to human factor of interpretation of reading from the graph but will not have the impact on overall mix because the error would be very small) for strength of the 53, 43 and, 33 grade cement, calculation of the strength at each fraction of the W/c ratio is done mathematically using polynomial equation of degree 6 (this also creates some factor of safety to remove or minimize the human reading error).
Now you have completed the process of doing mix designing of the concrete.
It is important to take a note of, the designed concrete mixes are theoretical approach, you need to verify the performance of the same by doing trials of designed mixes in lab before deployment of same in actual production.
IS recommends to do trials for same mixes by reducing and increasing the water content by 10% and plotting the relation between strength and wc ratio for designed concrete.
Upon doing trials, base on your observations, you can rework the mix to say either reducing water content, cement content, aggregate proportion etc. and reverification of same to ensure it meets durability requirement.
Rework in mix can be done using same excel sheet by modifying desired properties to ensure meeting of durability criteria. reworked mix shall again subjected to trials before deployment in actual production.
You can find the final mixes as per criteria for doing trial on tab namely Trial Mixes.
We also added a tab namely Information which also serve as guide in designing of mixes.
Hope this excel sheet helps you in quick designing of mixes correctly as per the guidelines and saving your productive time.
In case of any difficulties or errors observed in sheet, do reply here, i will try to fix them at earliest and make sure release of updated sheet.
You can download this concrete mix design sheet from below attachment section.

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