Six Minute Solutions for Civil PE Exam Structural Problems
Six Minute Solutions for Civil PE Exam Structural Problems
Targeted Training for Solving Civil PE Exam Structural Multiple-Choice Problems
Six-Minute Solutions for Civil PE Exam Structural Problems contains 100 multiple-choice problems representative of the Civil PE exam’s format and structural knowledge areas. The first 20 problems cover civil breadth exam structural topics. The remaining 80 problems cover civil depth exam structural topics.
Six-Minute Solutions includes hints that provide problem-solving guidance when you need it. Each solution describes common errors so you can avoid choosing incorrect answers. You’ll learn accurate and efficient solving methods by reviewing each problem’s comprehensive, step-by-step solution. Solutions also frequently reference the Civil PE exam structural codes and standards to help familiarize you with the references you’ll use on exam day.
Due to the changes in codes for the 2015 NCEES PE exam, there are some updates to this edition. Though not all of PPI's products reflect the adopted editions of the new design standards, in most cases the principles change very little. While specific procedures, equations, or values may change gradually from one edition of a design or reference standard to the next, PPI’s books continue to provide an appropriate overview of the concepts presented, and will prepare you for the upcoming exams.
Structural Topics Covered
Mechanics of Materials
Member Design
Design Criteria
Referenced Codes and Standards
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318)
Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures (ACI 530/530.1)
AISC Steel Construction Manual
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE7)
International Building Code (IBC)
National Design Specification for Wood Construction and Supplement (NDS/NDS Supp.)
PCI Design Handbook (PCI)
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