Steel Structures Design
Steel Structures Design
Steel Buildings and Design Criteria
1.1 Introduction 11.2 Types of Steel Buildings 5
1.3 Building Codes and Design Criteria . 8
1.4 ASD and LRFD Concepts 9
Design Loads
2.1 Introduction 152.2 Dead Loads 16
Tributary Area 16
Slab Supports . 16
Dead Load Applied to Beams 17
Dead Load Applied to Girders . 19
Dead Load Applied to Columns Two-Way Slabs . 24
2.3 Live Loads 25
Continuous Beam Systems 25
Influence Area 26
Reduction in Floor Live Load 27
Reduction in Roof Live Load 31
Combined Dead and Live Load 33
2.4 Snow Loads 34
Flat Roof 34
Ground Snow Load . 34
Flat Roof Snow Load 34
Exposure Factor . 35
Thermal Factor . 35
Importance Factor . 35
Rain-on-Snow Surcharge Load . 36
Snow Drifts on Lower Roofs . 38
Leeward Snow Drifts 38
Windward Snow Drifts . 42
Sloped Roof Snow Load . 44
Slope Factor 45
Warm Roof Slope Factor 45
Cold Roof Slope Factor 45
v Unbalanced Snow Load for Hip and Gable Roofs 46
Unbalanced Snow Load for Gable Roof with
W Ä 20 ft . 47
Unbalanced Snow Load for Gable Roof with
W > 20 ft 48
Sliding Snow . 51
Snow Load on Continuous Beam Systems 54
2.5 Soil Lateral Load 55
Earth Pressure at Rest 55
2.6 Flood Loads 55
Loads during Flooding 55
Hydrostatic Loads . 55
Hydrodynamic Loads 55
Wave Loads 56
Impact Loads . 56
2.7 Rain Loads 56
Design Rain Loads 56
Ponding Instability 57
2.8 Wind Loads 57
Exposure Category 59
Basic Wind Speed . 59
Low-Rise Building 61
Regular Building 61
Simple Diaphragm Building . 61
Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient . 61
Site Topography 61
Directionality Factor . 62
Velocity Pressure 62
ASCE 7 Chapter 28 Part 1—Envelope Procedure . 63
Rigidity of the Structure . 64
Gust Effect Factor . 64
Enclosure Classifications 64
Design Wind Pressure on MWFRS for Low-Rise,
Rigid Buildings . 65
Design Wind Pressure on Components and Cladding . 67
Design of Components and Cladding Using ASCE 7
Sec. 30.4 68
IBC Alternate All-Heights Method 71
Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient . 72
Topography Factor 72
Wind Stagnation Pressure . 72
Wind Importance Factor 73
Net-Pressure Coefficient 73
Design Wind Pressure on MWFRS: IBC Alternate
All-Heights Method 73
Design Wind Pressure on Components and Cladding:
IBC Alternate All-Heights Method . 76
2.9 Seismic Loads . 78
Ground Motion Parameters 80
Site Classification Characteristics . 80
Site Coefficients . 80
Adjusted Earthquake Response Accelerations . 81
Design Response Acceleration Parameters 81
Occupancy Category and Importance Factors . 83
Seismic Design Category 83
Seismic Force-Resisting System 85
Response Modification Coefficient 86
Fundamental Period of Vibration . 89
Seismic Response Coefficient 89
Effective Seismic Weight 92
Seismic Base Shear 93
Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces . 93
Diaphragm Loads . 95
Flexible Diaphragms 96
Anchorage of Structural Walls to Diaphragms . 99
Rigid Diaphragms . 104
Lateral Design Force on Structural Walls . 109
Lateral Design Force on Parapets . 109
Redundancy Factor 110
2.10 Load Combinations 114
Strength Design Load Combinations . 115
Allowable Stress Load Combinations 117
Strength Design Special Load Combinations 119
Allowable Stress Design Special Load Combinations 120
2.11 Serviceability Criteria 120
Deflection 121
Drift 121
Vibration 122
Durability 122
Behavior of Steel Structures under Design Loads
3.1 Introduction 1293.2 Gravity Load-Resisting Systems 129
Simple Connections . 129
Fully Restrained (FR) Moment Connections 135
Partially Restrained (PR) Moment Connections 140
3.3 Lateral Load-Resisting Systems 144
Diaphragms 144
Collectors 145
Steel Deck Diaphragms . 151
Frames Subjected to Lateral Forces 156 3.4 Approximate Methods for Laterally Loaded Frames . 160
Portal Method 160
Cantilever Method 163
Design of Steel Beams in Flexure
4.1 Introduction 171Flexural Limit States . 171
Lateral Bracing of Beams 172
Design Flexural Strength and Allowable Flexural Strength . 173
4.2 Plastic Moment of Resistance 175
Shape Factor and ASD 176
Built-Up Sections 177
4.3 Compact, Noncompact, and Slender Sections . 179
Compact Section 179
Noncompact Section 181
Slender Section . 182
4.4 Lateral-Torsional Buckling Modification Factor 182
4.5 Lateral-Torsional Buckling . 185
Plastic Mode: L
4.6 Weak Axis Bending 191
Compact Flanges 191
Noncompact Flanges 192
4.7 Biaxial Bending . 194
Overhead Traveling Bridge Crane 195
4.8 Singly Symmetric Sections in Bending 198
Plastic Mode . 199
Lateral-Torsional Buckling 199
Flange Local Buckling 199
Stem Local Buckling . 200
4.9 Redistribution of Bending Moments in Continuous Beams . 201
4.10 Deflection Limits 204
Design of Steel Beams for Shear and Torsion
5.1 Introduction 2095.2 Shear in Beam Webs . 211
Web Yielding . 212
Inelastic Buckling . 214
Elastic Buckling . 216
5.3 Weak Axis Shear 218
5.4 Longitudinal Shear in Built-Up Sections 219
5.5 Block Shear 221
Block Shear Strength for Bolted Connections 222
Effective Bolt Hole Diameter and Net Area . 223
Block Shear Strength for Welded Connections . 225
Block Shear Strength for Coped Beams . 226
5.6 Web Local Yielding 228
Bearing on Concrete . 229
Web Yielding at Support 231
Web Yielding at Girder Interior 233
5.7 Web Crippling 234
5.8 Web Sidesway Buckling 235
5.9 Design for Torsion . 237
Torsion in Closed Sections . 237
Torsion in Open Sections 238
Specification Provisions . 239
Round HSS Subject to Torsion . 240
Rectangular HSS Subject to Torsion 241
W-Shape Subject to Torsion 244
Design of Compression Members
6.1 Introduction 255Compression Limit State 255
6.2 Effective Length . 257
Tabulated Factors . 257
6.3 Alignment Charts . 259
Alignment Chart for Braced Frame 260
Alignment Chart for Sway Frame 261
Stiffness Reduction Factors 263
6.4 Axially Loaded Compression Members . 264
Flexural Buckling of Members without Slender
Elements . 264
Torsional and Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Members
without Slender Elements . 268
Single Angle Compression Members without Slender
Elements . 271
Members with Slender Elements . 273
6.5 Built-Up Sections 279
6.6 Column Base Plates 282
Concrete Footing Capacity 282
Base Plate Thickness . 285
6.7 Column Flanges with Concentrated Forces 287
Introduction 287
Flange Local Bending 287
Web Compression Buckling . 290
Web Panel Zone Shear 292x C o n t e n t s
Transverse Stiffener Requirements 296
Doubler Plate Requirements . 300
Stability of Frames
7.1 Introduction 307Beam-Columns . 307
Second-Order Effects 308
7.2 Design for Combined Forces . 310
7.3 Stability Analysis 312
Approximate Second-Order Analysis 312
Stability Analysis Procedures 316
Design by Inelastic Analysis
8.1 Introduction 333General Principles . 333
Ductility 334
8.2 Plastic Moment of Resistance 334
8.3 Plastic Hinge Formation 336
8.4 Design Requirements 337
Local Buckling 337
Unbraced Length . 338
Limiting Axial Load . 338
8.5 Analysis Requirements . 339
Geometric Imperfections 339
Residual Stress and Partial Yielding Effects . 339
Material Properties and Yield Criteria 340
8.6 Statical Method of Design . 340
8.7 Mechanism Method of Design 344
Linear Elastic-Plastic Response Curve . 347
8.8 Static Equilibrium Check 349
8.9 Beam-Column Design 351
Design of Tension Members
9.1 Introduction 3599.2 Tensile Strength . 359
9.3 Effective Net Area . 360
Plates with Bolted Connection . 361
Plates with Welded Connection 364
Rolled Sections with Bolted Connection 365
Rolled Sections with Welded Connection . 368C o n t e n t s xi
Round Hollow Structural Sections with Welded
Connection . 369
9.4 Pin-Connected Members 372
Dimensional Requirements 372
Limit States 373
9.5 Design of Eyebars . 375
Dimensional Requirements 375
9.6 Design for Fatigue . 378
Design Procedure . 379
Design of Bolted Connections
10.1 Introduction 387Bolt Types 387
Bolt Installation . 387
Connection Types . 388
10.2 Snug-Tight Bolts in Shear and Bearing 390
Bolt Spacing 390
Shear Strength 391
Bearing Strength 392
10.3 Snug-Tight Bolts in Shear and Tension 397
Bolts in Tension Only 397
Bolts in Combined Tension and Shear 397
10.4 Slip-Critical Bolts in Shear and Tension . 400
Bolts in Shear Only 400
Bolts in Combined Shear and Tension 404
10.5 Prying Action . 406
10.6 Bolt Group Eccentrically Loaded in Plane of Faying Surface 410
Elastic Unit Area Method 410
Instantaneous Center of Rotation Method 413
10.7 Bolt Group Eccentrically Loaded Normal to the
Faying Surface 415
Design of Welded Connections
11.1 Introduction 423The Welding Process . 423
Welding Applications 423
Quality Assurance . 424
Weld Metal Strength . 424
11.2 Weld Types 425
Complete Joint Penetration Groove Welds 425
Partial Joint Penetration Groove Welds . 425
Fillet Welds 427xii C o n t e n t s
11.3 Available Strength of Fillet Welds . 432
Summary 432
Linear Weld Group Loaded through the Center of Gravity 432
Weld Group with Concentric Loading . 433
11.4 Weld Group Eccentrically Loaded in Plane of Faying
Surface 435
Elastic Vector Analysis . 435
Instantaneous Center of Rotation Method 439
11.5 Weld Group Eccentrically Loaded Normal to Faying
Surface 442
Elastic Vector Analysis . 442
Instantaneous Center of Rotation Method 445
Plate Girders
12.1 Introduction 45112.2 Girder Proportions 452
Girder Depth . 452
Flange Area 452
Flange Width . 453
Flange Thickness 453
Web Thickness 453
Intermediate Transverse Stiffeners 453
12.3 Postbuckling Strength of the Web . 454
12.4 Design for Shear with Unstiffened Web . 455
12.5 Design for Shear with Stiffened Web: Tension Field
Action Excluded 457
12.6 Design for Shear with Stiffened Web: Tension Field
Action Included . 459
12.7 Design of Transverse Stiffeners . 460
Tension Field Action Excluded . 460
Tension Field Action Included . 462
12.8 Flexural Design of Plate Girders 464
Compression Flange Yielding 464
Lateral-Torsional Buckling 465
Compression Flange Local Buckling . 466
Tension Flange Yielding . 467
12.9 Design of Bearing Stiffeners 469
Composite Members
13.1 Introduction 47713.2 Encased Composite Columns 479
Limitations . 479
Compressive Strength 479
Load Transfer . 483C o n t e n t s xiii
13.3 Filled Composite Columns 486
Limitations . 486
Slenderness Limits 487
Compressive Strength 487
Load Transfer . 490
13.4 Encased Composite Beams . 493
13.5 Composite Beam with Flat Soffit Concrete Slab 494
Effective Slab Width . 495
Nominal Strength . 495
Fully Composite and Partially Composite Beams . 495
Nominal Strength of Fully Composite Beam with PNA in
Concrete Slab . 497
Design Tables 500
Shored and Unshored Construction 502
Composite Beam Deflection . 505
Negative Flexural Strength 506
Steel Headed Stud Anchors in Composite Beam with
Flat Soffit Concrete Slab . 508
Steel Headed Stud Anchors in Composite Section
with Concentrated Loads 512
13.6 Formed Steel Deck with Ribs Perpendicular to Beams . 514
Requirements . 514
Steel Headed Stud Anchors in Formed Steel Deck with
Ribs Perpendicular to Beam . 516
13.7 Formed Steel Deck with Ribs Parallel to Beams 519
Requirements . 519
Steel Headed Stud Anchors in Formed Steel Deck
with Ribs Parallel to Beam . 520
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