Plate Load Test – Determine Bearing Capacity of Soils
Plate Load Test – Determine Bearing Capacity of Soils
Load Test
Plate Load Test is a field test for
determining the ultimate bearing capacity of soil and the
likely settlement under a given load. The Plate Load Test basically
consists of loading a steel plate placed at the foundation level and recording the
settlements corresponding to each load increment. The test load is gradually
increased till the plate starts to sink at a rapid rate. The total value of
load on the plate in such a stage divided by the area of the steel plate gives
the value of the ultimate bearing capacity of soil. Theultimate bearing capacity
of soil is divided by suitable factor of safety (which varies from 2
to 3) to arrive at the value of safe bearing capacity of soil. For
better understanding, this Plate Load Testcan be sub-divided into
the following heads,
1. Test set-up
2. Testing procedure
3. Interpretation of results
4. Limitations of the test.
2. Testing procedure
3. Interpretation of results
4. Limitations of the test.
1. Test Setup:
A test pit is
dug at site up to the depth at which the foundation is
proposed to be laid. The width of the pit should be at least 5 times the width
of the test plate. At the centre of the pit a small square depression or hole
is made whose size is equal to the size of the test plate and bottom level of
which corresponds to the level of actual foundation. The depth of the hole
should be such that the ratio of depth to width of the loaded area is
approximately the same as the ratio of the actual depth to width of the
The mild steel plate (also known as bearing plate) used in the test should not be less than 25 mm in thickness and its size may vary from 300 to 750 mm. The plate could be square or circular in shape. Circular plate is adopted in case of circular footing and square plate is used in all other types of footings. The plate is machined on side and edges.
The mild steel plate (also known as bearing plate) used in the test should not be less than 25 mm in thickness and its size may vary from 300 to 750 mm. The plate could be square or circular in shape. Circular plate is adopted in case of circular footing and square plate is used in all other types of footings. The plate is machined on side and edges.
2. Testing Procedure:
The load is applied to the test
plate through a centrally placed column. The test load is transmitted to the
column by one of the following two methods
(i) By gravity loading or reaction loading method
(ii) By loading truss method.
(i) By gravity loading or reaction loading method
(ii) By loading truss method.
(i) Gravity loading or
reaction loading method:
In case of gravity loading
method, a loading platform is constructed over the column placed on the test
plate and test load is applied by placing dead weight in the form of sand bags,
pig iron, concrete blocks, lead bars etc. on the platform. Many a times a
hydraulic jack is placed between the loading platform and the column top for
applying the load to the test plate – the reaction of the hydraulic jack being
borne by the loaded platform. This form of loading is termed as reaction

Plate load Test Method – Reaction by gravity
(ii) Reaction Truss Method:
In case of reaction truss method,
instead of constructing a loading platform, a steel truss of suitable size is
provided to bear the reaction of the hydraulic jack. The truss is firmly
anchored to the ground by means of steel anchors and guy ropes are provided
for ensuring its lateral stability. When the load is applied to the test plate,
it starts sinking slowly. The settlement of the plate is recorded to an
accuracy of 0.02 mm with the help of sensitive dial gauges. At least two dial
gauges are used to account for differential settlement. The dial gauges are
placed at diametrically opposite ends of the plate and one dial gauge is
mounted on independently supported references beam or datum rod. As the plate
sinks, the ram of the dial gauge moves down and the settlement is recorded. The
magnitude of load is indicated on the load-gauge of the hydraulic jack. The
load is applied in regular increment of about 2KN or 1/5th of the expected ultimate
bearing capacity, whichever is less. Settlement should be observed for each
increment of load after an interval of 1, 4, 10, 20,
40 and 60 minutes and thereafter at hourly intervals until the rate of settlement becomes less than 002 mm per hour. The maximum load to be applied for the test should be about 15 times the expected ultimate bearing capacity of the soil.
In case of clayey soils the, time settlement curve should be plotted at each load stage and load should be increased to next stage either when the curve indicates that the settlement has exceeded 70 to 80% of the probable ultimate settlement at that stage or at the end of 24 hour period.
40 and 60 minutes and thereafter at hourly intervals until the rate of settlement becomes less than 002 mm per hour. The maximum load to be applied for the test should be about 15 times the expected ultimate bearing capacity of the soil.
In case of clayey soils the, time settlement curve should be plotted at each load stage and load should be increased to next stage either when the curve indicates that the settlement has exceeded 70 to 80% of the probable ultimate settlement at that stage or at the end of 24 hour period.
Plate Load Test – Reaction by Truss Loading

For soils other than clayey
soils, each load increment should be kept for not less than one hour or upto a
time when the rate of settlement gets appreciably reduced (to a value of 0.02
mm per mm.). The next increment of load should then be applied and observations
repeated. The test is continued till a settlement of 25 mm under normal
circumstances or 50 mm in special cases (such as dense gravel, and sand
mixture) is obtained or till failure occurs, whichever is earlier.
The load intensity and settlement
observations of the plate load test are plotted in the form of load settlement
Load Settlement Curves

The figure below shows four
typical curves applied to different soils.
Curve I is typical for loose to medium non.cohesive soils. It can be seen that initially this curve is a straight line, but as the load increases it flattens out. There is no clear point of shear failure.
Curve I is typical for loose to medium non.cohesive soils. It can be seen that initially this curve is a straight line, but as the load increases it flattens out. There is no clear point of shear failure.
Curve II is typical for cohesive
soils. This may not be quite straight in the initial stages
and leans towards settlement axis as the settlement increases.
Curve III is typical for partially
cohesive soils.
Curve IV is typical for purely dense
non-cohesive soil.
The safe bearing capacity is
obtained by dividing the ultimate bearing capacity by a factor of safety
varying from 2 to 3. The value of safe bearing capacity thus arrived at, is
considered to be based on criterion of shear failure.
Safe bearing capacity (SBC) based on permissible settlement. As indicated earlier the settlement of footing is also related to the SBC of the soil. The value of ultimate bearing capacity and hence the SBC in this case, can be obtained from the load settlement curves by reading the value of load intensity corresponding to the desired settlement of test plate. The value of permissible settlement (Sf) for different types of footings (isolated or raft) for different types structures are specified in the l.S. code. The corresponding settlement of test plate (Sp) can be calculated from the following formula,
Safe bearing capacity (SBC) based on permissible settlement. As indicated earlier the settlement of footing is also related to the SBC of the soil. The value of ultimate bearing capacity and hence the SBC in this case, can be obtained from the load settlement curves by reading the value of load intensity corresponding to the desired settlement of test plate. The value of permissible settlement (Sf) for different types of footings (isolated or raft) for different types structures are specified in the l.S. code. The corresponding settlement of test plate (Sp) can be calculated from the following formula,
Sf = Sp {[B
(Bp + 0.3) ]/[ Bp (B + 0.3) ]}^2
B = width of footing in mm.
Bp = width of test plate in mm.
Sp= settlement of test plate in mm.
Sf = settlement of footing in mm.
B = width of footing in mm.
Bp = width of test plate in mm.
Sp= settlement of test plate in mm.
Sf = settlement of footing in mm.
4. Limitations of plate load
The plate load test,
though very useful in obtaining necessary information about soil for design of
foundation has following limitations,
(1) The test results reflect only the
character of the soil located within a depth of less than twice the width of
bearing plate. Normally the foundations are larger than the test plates, the
settlement and shear resistance of soil against shear failure will depend on
the properties of much thickea stratum. Thus the results of test could be
misleading if the character of the soil changes at shallow depths.
(ii) The Plate Load Test being
of short duration, does not give the ultimate settlements particularly in case
of cohesive soils.
(iii) For clayey soils the bearing
capacity (from shear consideration) for a large foundation, is almost same as
that for the smaller test plate. But in dense sandy soils the bearing apacity
increases with the size of the foundation and hence the test with smaller size
test plate tends to give conservative values in dense sandy soils.
In view of the above limitations,
the plate load test method of determining SBC of soil may be considered
adequate for light or less important structures under normal condition.
However, in case of unusual type of soil stratum and for all heavy and
important structures, relevant laboratory tests or field test are essential to
establish the SBC of soil.

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