General Information on GATE 2015
General Information on GATE 2015

2. Downloadable Admit
Card: Admit cards will NOT be
sent by e-mail/post, they can ONLY
be downloaded from
the zonal GATE
websites tentatively from
17th December 2014. The
candidate has to bring the printed admit card to the test center along
with at least
one original (not
photocopied/scanned copy) and valid (not
expired) photo identification. It
may be noted
that one of
the following photo
identifications is ONLY
permitted: Driving license,
Passport, PAN Card,
Voter ID, Aadhaar UID, College ID, Employee identification
card, or a notarized affidavit with
Photo, Signature, Date of Birth and Residential Address. The details of
this ID proof have to be given while
filling the online application.
3. Numerical
Answer Type Questions: The question
paper for GATE 2015 will consist of
questions of both
multiple-choice type and
numerical answer type.
For multiple choice type
questions, candidates have to choose the answer from the given choices. For numerical answer type questions,
choices will not be given. Candidates have to enter a number as the answer using a
virtual keypad.

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