Etabs Steel Frame Design Manual
Etabs Steel Frame Design Manual
General Steel Frame Design Information
1 General Design Information
Design Codes 1-1
Units 1-1
Overwriting the Frame Design Procedure
for a Steel Frame 1-1
Design Load Combinations 1-2
Analysis Sections and Design Sections 1-3
Second Order P-Delta Effects 1-4
Element Unsupported Lengths 1-6
Effective Length Factor (K) 1-7
Continuity Plates and Doubler Plates 1-9
2 Steel Frame Design Process
Steel Frame Design Procedure 2-1
Automating the Iterative Design Process 2-5
3 Interactive Steel Frame Design
General 3-1
Steel Stress Check Information Form 3-1
Overwrites Button 3-4
Details Button 3-4
4 Output Data Plotted Directly on the Model
Overview 4-1
Design Input 4-1
Design Output 4-2Steel Frame Design Manual
Steel Frame Design Specific to UBC97-ASD
5 General and Notation
Introduction to the UBC-ASD Series of
Technical Notes 5-1
Notations 5-3
References 5-6
6 Preferences
General 6-1
Using the Preferences Form 6-1
Preferences 6-2
General 7-1
Overwrites 7-1
Making Changes in the Overwrites Form 7-3
Resetting Steel Frame Overwrites to Default
Values 7-4
8 Design Load Combinations
9 Classification of Sections
Overview 9-1
Calculation of Stresses
11 Calculation of Allowable Stresses
12 Calculation of Stress Ratios
Axial and Bending Stresses 12-1
Shear Stresses 12-3
13 Seismic Requirements
Ordinary Moment Frames 13-1
Special Moment Resisting Frames 13-1
Braced Frame 13-2
Eccentrically Braced Frames 13-4
Special Concentrically Braced Frames 13-7
14 Joint Design
Beam/Column Plastic Moment Capacity
Ratio 14-1
Evaluation of Beam Connection Shears 14-3
Evaluation of Brace Connection Forces 14-4
15 Continuity Plates
16 Doubler Plates
17 Input Data
Input Data 17-1
Using the Print Design Tables Form 17-5
18 Output Details
Using the Print Design Tables Form 18-4
Steel Frame Design Specific to UBC97-LRFD
19 General and Notation
Introduction to the UBC97-LRFD Series of
Technical Notes 19-1
Notation 19-3
References 19-7
20 Preferences
General 20-1
Using the Preferences Form 20-1
Preferences 20-2
21 Overwrites
General 21-1Steel Frame Design Manual
Overwrites 21-1
Making Changes in the Overwrites Form 21-4
Resetting Steel Frame Overwrites to Default
Values 21-5
22 Design Loading Combinations
Reference 22-2
23 Classification of Sections
24 Calculation of Factored Forces and Moments
Reference 24-2
25 Calculation of Nominal Strengths
26 Calculation of Capacity Ratios
Overview 26-1
Axial and Bending Stresses 26-1
Shear Stresses 26-2
27 Seismic Requirements
Ordinary Moment Frames 27-1
Special Moment Resisting Frames 27-1
Braced Frames 27-2
Eccentrically Braced Frames 27-3
Special Concentrically Braced Frames 27-7
28 Joint Design
Weak-Beam / Strong-Column Measure 28-1
Evaluation of Beam Connection Shears 28-3
Evaluation of Brace Connection Forces 28-4
29 Continuity Plates
30 Doubler PlatesContents
31 Input Data
Input Data 31-1
Using the Print Design Tables Form 31-6
32 Output Details
Using the Print Design Tables Form 32-4
Steel Frame Design Specific to AISC-ASD89
33 General and Notation
Introduction to the AISC-ASD89 Series of
Technical Notes 33-1
Notation 33-2
34 Preferences
General 34-1
Using the Preferences Form 34-1
Preferences 34-2
35 Overwrites
General 35-1
Overwrites 35-1
Making Changes in the Overwrites Form 35-3
Resetting the Steel Frame Overwrites to Default Values 35-4
36 Design Load Combinations
37 Classification of Sections
38 Calculation of Stresses
39 Calculation of Allowable Stresses
Allowable Stress in Tension 39-1
Allowable Stress in Compression 39-1
Flexural Buckling 39-2Steel Frame Design Manual
Flexural-Torsional Buckling 39-4
Allowable Stress in Bending 39-8
I-Sections 39-8
Channel Sections 39-12
T Sections and Double Angles 39-13
Box Sections and Rectangular
Tubes 39-13
Pipe Sections 39-14
Round Bars 39-15
Rectangular and Square Bars 39-15
Single-Angle Sections 39-15
General Sections 39-18
Allowable Stress in Shear 39-18
Major Axis of Bending 39-18
Minor Axis of Bending 39-19
40 Calculation of Stress Ratios
Axial and Bending Stresses 40-1
Shear Stresses 40-4
41 Input Data
Input Data 41-1
Using the Print Design Tables Form 41-5
42 Output Details
Using the Print Design Tables Form 42-3
Steel Frame Design Specific to AISC-LRFD93
43 General and Notation
Introduction to the AISC-LRFD93 Series of
Technical Notes 43-1
Notation 43-2
44 Preferences
General 44-1
Using the Preferences Form 44-1
Preferences 44-2
45 Overwrites
General 45-1
Overwrites 45-1
Making Changes in the Overwrites Form 45-4
Resetting Steel Frame Overwrites to Default
Values 45-4
46 Design Load Combinations
Reference 46-2
47 Classification of Sections
48 Calculation of Factored Forces and Moments
Reference 48-3
49 Calculation of Nominal Strengths
Overview 49-1
Compression Capacity 49-2
Flexural Buckling 49-2
Flexural-Torsional Buckling 49-3
Torsional and Flexural-Torsional
Buckling 49-6
Tension Capacity 49-8
Nominal Strength in Bending 49-8
Yielding 49-9
Lateral-Torsional Buckling 49-9
Flange Local Buckling 49-13
Web Local Buckling 49-17
Shear Capacities 49-21
Major Axis of Bending 49-21
Minor Axis of Bending 49-22
50 Calculation of Capacity Ratios
Overview 50-1Steel Frame Design Manual viii
Axial and Bending Stresses 50-1
Shear Stresses 50-2
51 Input Data
Input Data 51-1
Using the Print Design Tables Form 51-6
52 Output Details
Using the Print Design Tables Form 52-3

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