Works of Civil Engineer & Work Sequence of Building Construction
Works of Civil Engineer & Work Sequence of Building Construction
Here the typical works of a civil engineer(Real estate project) is mentioned
The works can be divided into the following six categories:
Structure (start to finish)
It includes everything like foundation,beam,column, masonry works,electrical,plumbing,painting and tiling works.
1. The site boundary and marking pillars are marked and is cross checked with reference to the setting out drawing
2. Receipt of approved current construction drawing for footing and excavation (Architectural & Structural) from Architects.
4. Mass excavation /manual excavation are started.
5. Anti termite treatment is done.
6. PCC for footing with soling (if required) to be done.
7. Marking for footing and columns.
8. Reinforcement for footing.
9. Shuttering/form work for footing.
10. Concreting for footing.
11. Pedestal marking and concreting.
12. Column marking / casting
13. Reinforcement/lapping.
14. Column box shuttering,
15. Column concreting
16. Meter marking/staircase columns.
17. Beam bottom marking/shuttering.
18. Shuttering for beam side / slab.
19. Leveling and QC/ Architects checking.
20. Reinforcement for beam, beam bottom, electrical conduiting, plumbing cutout and top mat.
21. Beam outer side shuttering.
22. Check by structural consultant /QC.
23. Pour card/batch ticket signature to be taken.
24. Concreting of slab/beam supervised under the PH (Staircase and Lift wall are cast along with the structure).
25. Cubes are cast as per Indian Standards.
26. Sprinkling of water to be started the moment concrete surface starts to dry.
27. Ponding / hessain cloth curing to be done for 7 days
28. Column starter marking for the next floor.
a. Repeat the procedure from point 12-27 for the next level.
29. De-shuttering started after achieving required strength as per IS requirements. (With temporary supports to beams/slabs).
30. Hacking to be done on concrete surfaces for plastering and slurry coat to be applied to concrete surface at junction of block workand concrete.
31. Marking course of block work is done and is checked by Quality Engineer.
32. Block work done using templates for doors and windows openings.
33. Meter marking is done on the block work with coloured line dori
34. Lintels/sills/chejjas are cast with reference to meter level.
35. Mesh fixing is done at the junction of block work and concrete and is packed with mortar.
36. Ceiling plastering is done. (PVC rings are provided for the electrical junction boxes).
37. Button marking for the wall plaster is done.
38. Electrical chasing, conduiting and box fixing including DB box fixing and packing are done.
39. Window grills and balcony railings are fixed.
40. Wall plastering is completed including the toilets. Meter marking is again done on the surface as explained earlier.
41. Plumbing chasing, pipe fixing in toilets/kitchen is completed and tested and packing is done
42. Electrical wiring is completed.
43. Fire sprinkler works are completed.
44. Main floor screed for tilling is completed.
45. Bore packing in toilets, balconies and utilities are completed.
46. Ponding test is done to check the water tightness of the bore.
47. Screeding for toilets, balconies and utilities are done.
48. Internal painting comprising of primer, 2 coats of putty for ceiling and wall is done.
49. Toilet and kitchen dadoing is completed. ( except for bottom line of tile)
50. The main flooring is completed and the tile surface is protected.
51. Under tile waterproofing is done for toilets, balconies and utilities.
52. Floor tilling for toilets and balconies are completed and protected.
52. Skirting for the main flooring is completed and the last tile dadoing is finished.
52. Window sill and balcony coping granite works are completed.
52. Sanding and first coat paint to ceiling and wall is completed.
53. False ceiling frame works and E-board works in balconies and utilities are completed.
56. Texture and first coat paint for balconies and utilities are done.
56. Aluminum windows, ventilators and doors are fixed.
57. SIL door frames and shutters are fixed.
58. Electrical switch plates are fixed.
59. Touch up putty and sanding to wall and ceiling are done.
60. False ceiling works in toilets are completed.
61. Grouting of wall and floor.
62. Final coat paint.
63. Plumbing fixtures are fixed.
64. Silicon sealant works are completed for toilet and kitchen areas.
65. Final snagging and handover of flat to CRM.(Refer Clearance Process from QST)
Common Area Works
1. Staircase and Lift wall to be constructed along with structure.
2. Block work for common area and shafts are completed.
3. Electrical conduiting and box fixing is completed.
4. Staircase wall and ceiling plastering is completed.
5. Lobby area plastering is done.
6. Staircase railing and lobby railings are fixed.
7. Staircase and common area flooring and dadoing (as per specification) are completed.
8. Granite coping and lift architraves granite works are completed.
9. Putty, sanding and first coat paint to ceiling are completed.
10. Services like Plumbing and fire are completed.
11. Electrical wiring works are completed.
12. Shaft door fixing is completed.
13. Shaft door painting is completed.
14. Grouting of floor tile, wall tile and granite are done.
15. Silicon sealant works are completed.
16. Signages are fixed.
17. Final snagging and handover of common area to CRM.
Terrace Works
1. Up stand beam to be cast by providing provision for stub columns.
2. Concreting of stub columns.
3. Parapet block work completed.
4. Coping for the parapet wall done.
5. Structural works such as OHT, Staircase headroom, Lift machine room, flush tank, battery room etc. to be completed.
6. Block work to be completed for all the above mentioned service rooms.
7. Electrical conduiting & Box fixing works to be completed.
8. Ponding test to be done to check the water tightness of the terrace slab.
9. Tanks to be filled with water and water tightness to be checked.
10. Kurrah fixing (Outlet for draining rain water) to be completed with bore packing.
11. Bull strips are made.
12. Light weight screed is completed to slope.
13. Haunching to be done at the junction of all vertical and horizontal surfaces to enable smooth transition of waterproofing.
14. Waterproofing as per waterproofing calendar /Specifications issued to site.
15. Protective screed for the waterproofing done.
16. Plastering for all surfaces to be completed.
17. Plumbing bracket fixing work to be completed.
18. Terrace pipe line works to be completed.
19. Terrace flooring works to be completed.
20. Skirting works to be completed.
21. Miscellaneous works such as OHT ladder fixing, staircase handrail for lift machine room, door fixing for the rooms, painting works, fixing of solar panels & water heaters, lightning arrester, aviation lights etc. to be complete
22. External painting to be completed.
23. Painting for all the MS works.
24. Expansion joint treatment to be completed (if any).
25. Non-shrink expansion joint material to be filled as the specification.
26. Snagging and hand over to CRM.
Lift Works
1. Lift well waterproofing is completed.
2. Lift wall to be constructed along with structure.
3. Block work for the lift openings to be done as per manufacturer’s drawing.
4. Lintel to be cast with allowance for granite architrave.
5. Lift well block work plastering to be completed.
6. White washing to be done to the lift well.
7. Electrical conduiting is done; bulk heads and socket points are fixed.
8. Lift frame and door is fixed by vendor.
9. Granite frame and architrave are fixed.
10. After handover of lift from the agency, the lift flooring to be done.
11. Protection done for the walls and the ceiling of lift.
12. Final snagging and handover of Lift to CRM
Basement Works
1. Backfilling to be done in layers and compacted.
2. Soil profile to be graded as per the required slopes.
3. Anti-termite treatment to the soil is done.
4. Car wash drains and tanks to be constructed.
5. Soling is done to the required profile.
6. PCC is done.
7. All the high level services such as electrical, plumbing, fire are completed.
8. Lift lobby works are completed.
9. The services rooms such as panel rooms, telecom rooms, pump rooms, Water treatment plants, maintenance room etc… are completed.
10. VDF (Vacuum dewatered flooring) is completed.
11. Car wash drain covers are placed.
12. Ceiling painting (Tyrolene) to be completed.
13. Column and wall painting to be done.
14. Electrical light fittings and car wash lines are completed.
15. Car park numbering and marking to be completed.
16. The shaft openings are enclosed in the basement.
17. Column fenders are fixed.
18. Signages and letter boxes are to be fixed.
19. Final snagging and handover of basement to CRM
External Works
1. Retaining wall waterproofing and back filling to be done.
2. Anti termite treatment to be done to the areas surrounding the building.
3. Underground services such as Plumbing, Fire, Electrical works to be completed.
4. DG yard, transformer yard, STP, UG sump, Organic waste converter, security cabin, gate etc… to be completed.
5. Shafts block work, plastering, plumbing lines, shaft door fixing be completed.
6. External plastering and external painting to the building is completed.
7. Podium waterproofing to be completed.
8. Podium hard landscaping to be completed.
9. Storm water drainage to be completed.
10. Compound wall works to be completed.
11. Driveway soling, PCC, kerb stones and pavers completed.
12. Bore well connections, rain water harvesting pits etc... to be completed.
13. Swimming pool, clubhouse and other external facilities as per drawings are to be completed.
14. Soft landscaping to be completed.
15. Electrical lighting to be completed.
16. Snagging and handover to CRM.

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