Civil Engineering Project Titles
Civil Engineering Project Titles
1. Desilting of tanks
2. Minor irrigation tanks
3. Time and motion study on road construction techniques
4. Ferro cement grain silos
5. Low cost roof tiles
6. Rain water collection and storage
7. Lime stabilised soil blocks
8. Strenth of country brick - walls laid in mud mortar
9. Invistigation on low cost roofing units
10. Restoration of an irrigation tank
11. Village sanitation system
12. Desiliting of tanks
13. Low cost roofing tiles
14. Study of traditional housing practices
15. Ferro cement roofing materials
16. Study of unburnt bricks
17. Labour optimisation in earth work
18. Coir reinforced roofing sheets
19. Fatigue of human labour in earth work
20. Wall panels for low cost houses
21. Planing and designing of low cost school buildings
22. Engineering study of a traditional industry jaggery making
23. Studies on the concentrationof settable dust emitted by sugar factory around mandya city
24. Rural sanitation of kommerahalli village
25. Low cost light weight roofingtiles
26. Study on strength of compacted mud walls
27. Communication net work
28. Irrigation potential and harnessing the same
29. Study on strength of country brick walls laid in mud mortar
30. Technology of construction of a low cost house using funicular shell units for the roof
31. Ground water inventory in nandikoor village
32. Critical study of locally available materials for the manufacture of bricks
33. Investigation on ground water resources and determination of aquifer parameter around suratkal engg. College
34. Experiment investigation on cements with paddy husk ash
35. Housing for the poor
36. Low cost school building
37. Low cost roofing tiles
38. Development plan for a growth centre
39. Studies on black cotton soil mixed copper mines waste
40. Automatic flow regulation for canal- tank sluice
41. Low cost stablised earth bricks
42. Strength characteristics of surki mortar
43. Bio- gas plant with ferro cement gas holder
44. Water supply for iggor village
45. Tests on pozzolana mixtures
46. Study of transportation needs in rural and semi-urban areas
47. Low cost grain storage structure
48. Performance study of irrigation centrifugal pumps
49. Some studies on sisal fibre reinforced cement aggregate composites
50. Erosion resistance studies onstabilised mud blocks
51. Evaporation losses in malaprabha project
52. Ground water inventory in kotnur village
53. Critical study of locally available materials for the manufacture of bricks
54.hydrogeologicalinvestigations, ground water quality and aquifer parameters
55. Use of different organic wastes for production of bio gas
56. Investigation on fibre reinforced roofing units
57. Road re alignment
58. Soil stabilization
59. Software study of janatha houses
60. Low cost demonstration house
61. Stablization of soil for bricks puddled with organic materials
62. Master plan for a rural settlement – igoor
63. Restoration of tank
64. Development plan for a growth centre
65. Low cost roofing tiles
66. Studies on low cost stabilized earth bricks
67. A study on pozzolanna mixtures
68. A study of flexural strength of lime -pozzolana cocrete
69. Erosion resistance studies onstabilised brick blocks
70. Steel fibre reinforced cementconcrete
71. Survey of construction materials resources in gulbargadistict
72. A critical study of augmentation water supply scheme
73. A critical study of augmentation water supply scheme to gulbarga city
74. Precast stone block masonary
75. Low cast grain storage structures
76. Rural water supply
77. Ground water inventory
78. Development of rainfall runoff relationship for small catchments
79. Dakshina kannada district education structure analysis, planing and design
80. Investigation on nylo fibre reinforced roofing units
81. Lime stabilized bricks
82. Experimental research on cement from paddy husk
83. Bangalore - malpe state highway study of alternative routes for manipal-udupi-malpe section of state highway
84. For soil bricks subjected to accelerated weathering condition
85. Mechanical properties of coirfibre reinforced cement composites
86. Improvements of roads and surface drains for medleri village
87. Rammed earth walls
88. Ferro cement for low cost roofing
89. Blockwise studies of the traditional houses of villages todiscover their housing needs
90. Groundwater potential and problems : a case study
91. Hydrogeochemical studies of groundwater around pavanje - acoastal village
92. Development and use of unit hydrograph
93. Theoritical and experimental studies of flow in canal bends
94. Hydrogeochemical studies of groundwater around pavanje a costal village
95. Light weight burnt bricks using rice husk and saw dust
96. Block wise studies of rural houses
97. Reinforced brick panel
98. Rammed earth walls
99. Drinking water quality standards study in and around mysore city100. Studies on ferrocement
101. A case study of water pollution in kabini river
102. Investigation of strength and cementation value of available lime and artificial hydrauliclime
103. Study of fire wood and charcoal consumption in hassan
104. Water quality study of bhosga tank
105. Water quality study of bennitora river
106. A critical study of augmentation of water supply scheme to gulbarga
107. Ground water inventory
108. Evalution of ground water resources assessment of qualityand its impact on dwellers and crop yeild
109. Bio gas from coral organic waste
110. Fibre inforced rooting units
111. H d p net reinforced cement roofing tiles
112. Lime stablised pressed soil blocks using black cotton soil
113. Operational research in building
114. Studies on soil cement block mansonry
115. Laboratory investigation on a c pipes to use as coloumns
116. Lime based products
117. Reinforced brick wall
118. Reinforced brick panel
119. A case study of water pollution in kabini river
120. Sawdust boards with uf resins
121. Laboratory investigation on a.c pipes to use as columns
122. Six sigma possibilities in building constructions.
123. Study of strength of lime pozzolona cement
124. Effect of pesticides on heath of human and livestock population
125. Pollution study of river tunghabhadra
126. Air pollution
127. Water quality study of bhosga tank and bennitora river
128. Ground water inventory
129. Soil stabilization
130. Water quality study of bheema river
131. Air pollution
132. Groundwater investigaton around a coastal tract of dakshina kannada district
133. Correct selection of pumpsets for irrigation
134. Pavement surface unevennesevalution
135. Potential of surperplasticisers in concrete practice
136. Bond strength of bundled high yield strength deformed bars
137. Some studies on the flow characterstic of super plasticised concrete
138. Engineering and natural resources study of a village
139. A case study of pollution inriver arkavathi
140. Lime based products
141. Study of modified dry bricks
142. Precast stone blocks using lime concretes
143. Qualitative anlysis of irrigation water
144. Ferrocement-brick masonory composite columns
145. Sander grinder design fabrication
146. Ground water investigation in an island village near pavanjeriver estuary
147. Total station surveying
148. Study of the quality of water from shabanur village
149. Soil distribution and engineering problems
150. Behaviour of roofing sheets reinforced with syntetic fibres
151. Slump and strength charecteristics of super plasticized concrete
152. Traffic management studies in ramanagaram roads and highways
153. Ferrocement -brick masonary composite columns
154. Some studies on cement stabilised red earth soil blocks masonry
155. Studies on a ac pipes to be used as columns
156. Study of smart materials for smart structures
157. Steel fibre reinforced concrete manhole cover
158. Water distribution network
159. Soil stabilised pressed blocks using red soil
160. Strength characteristics ofcomposite hydrated lime mortar admixed with fly ash
161. Fabrication and study of ferrocement watertank
162. Fabrication and study of ferrocement silo
163. Studies on brick masonary strength
164. Design of alternate water treatment system for the city of mysore
165. Easy reference city bus route chart
166. Some studies on lime stabilised red earth soil block masonary
167. Experimental studies on ac pipes for axial load carrying capacity
168. Evaluation of mysore city water supply distribution system
169. Studies on brick masonary strength
170. Lime stabailised soil bricks
171. Watershed modelling for the catchment of hemavathi
172. Studies on coconut shells as roofing material for low cost houses
173. Ferrocement roofing slab element
174. Ferrocement water tank
175. Pre-fabricated shell roof
176. Recycling industrial waste as construction material
177. Planning and design of badli-katral lift-irrigation scheme
178. Studies on groundwater problems in an area subjected to sea water ingression and seepage into groundwater
179. Construction of water table contourmap and geo hydrological studies on around shbanur village
180. Environmental effect on tungabhadra river near harihar town
181. Design and fabrication of light pass test in piston ring
182. Optimisation of solid waste collection routes for shimoga city
183. Lime cement stabalized and compacted black cotton soil blocks
184. Study on certain pollution parameters of bhadra river
185. Qualitative study of groundwater in shimoga city
186. Draught analysis and waterconservation of honnali taluk
187. Study of ambient air qualitystatus in shimoga city
188. Black cotton soil bricks with lime sand and pozzolana asstabaliser
189. Pozzolana cement
190. A study on the effect of paper pulp cement mortar
191. An experimental study on prestressed ferrocement hollowspun poles
192. An experimental study of flexural behaviour of soluble reinforced concrete rectangularbeams with bundled hysd bars
193. Cementitious binders from industrial and agro by products
194. Performance studies on the waste treatment units of a battery industry
195. Design of water treatment plant to dodballapur town
196. Design of flour mill effluent treatment plant
197. Studies on fibre reinforced cement mortar tiles
198. Studies on under ground water quality in bangalore
199. Characterisation and studies in the effluent from lamp industry
200. Sankey lake reclamtion studeis
201. Composite stone crete roof
202. Investigation on improved mud walls
203. Natural fibre reinforced cement concrete
204. Sisal fibre reinforced roofing tiles
205. Engineering properties of locally available stone slabs
206. On the study of unburnt brick walls and mudwalls
207. Low cost roofing - a new approach
208. Study of distressed buildings on black cotton soils
209. Low frequency vibration analyser
210. Annual rainfall studeis for the district of kodagu
211. Study on stablised soil blocks
212. Bamboo matting reinforced surki mortar grain storage silo
213. Some experimental studies on coir fibre reinforced soil
214. Composite r.c.c and brick slab
215. Pre-fabricated lintel and chejja of ferrocement
216. Study of strength properties of bamboo as a trussmaterial
217. Composite stone crete roof
218. Location of sea water freshwater interface in the vicinty of kre college
219. Expolaration of ground water resistivity surveys in and around the college campus220. Studies on quality of soil and ground water in an adapted village
221. Infilitration studies in differnent soil of river basins ofd. K district222. Exploration for ground water by resistivity surveys in tokuru and bellairu villages
223. Studies on qualitiy of drinking water in anjaneeya lay out davangere
224. Hazardous effects of ground water pollution on the bank of thungabhadra river nearharihar
225. Bricks from black cotton soil
226. Ground water table and geohydrological studeis around mittlekatte near davaneger city
227. Light weight concrete using light weight aggregates
228. Plysoil reinforced with geotextiles
229. Sisal fibre reinforced roofing tile
230. Studies on surface water quality conservation in bangalore231. 180 mld sewage in open v-valley
232. Comparative performance ofdrip irrigation in horiculture crops under cultivation field a case study
233. Strenght studies of burnt clay brick holloow masonry wall using rat trap bond
234. Studies on local filters (well screens) adopted for agriculture perforated shallow tube wells
235. Characterization of coaguation sludge from a water treatment plant
236. Studies on application of cuddaph stone for composite t beam using r c c web
237. Water proof course
238. Composite r.c.c and brick slabs with shear reinforcement
239. Plastering material
240. Analysis of textile mill waste water
241. Ground water potential andits quality assessment around kakkaragolla village
242. Burnt bricks from black cotton soil
243. Drip irrigation
244. Raural water quality survey of davanagere taluk
245. Ferrocemeent roofing units
246. A study on low cost housing material using redmud
247. Ecnomics analysis of water distribution system for asegnment
248. An experimental study on behaviour of prestressed ferrocement spun pressure pipes
249. The use of geotextiles
250. Studies on under ground quality (hand pumps) in bangalore taluk251. Study of recycling industrial effluent
252. Studies on ground water quality in kanakapura taluk
253. Qyality analysis of ground water
254. Water table contour map for kothipur (ramanagaram)
255. F.r.c roofing application
256. New mud block technology
257. Studis on shallow tube wells
258. Ground water analysis around gimini distellers near nanjanagud
259. A case study of institutional water supply and waste disposal systems
260. An investigation on season dribbed slabs with hand made clay tiles to form receses
261. Composite brick-panel roof262. Soil-cement blocks
263. Studies on ground water quality and exploration by resistivity surveys in adopted villages
264. Prestressed concrete dams
265. Study of the behaviour of composite ferrocement short coloumns in compression
266. Study of stabalised mud blocks
267. Application of geotextile to improve the c b r value of subgrade in rural areas
268. Liners for canals
269. Strength characteristics ofmasonary with lime - fly ash and lime-rice husk ash mortars
270. Innovative flushing cisterns
271. Innovative inlet system for a flushing cistern
272. Studies on ground water quality in nelamangala taluk
273. Studies on surface water quality conservation in bangalore taluk
274. Load carrying capacity of bricks masonry
275. Laod carrying capacity of brick masonary archies
276. An eperimental study of precast ferrocement stair elements
277. An eperimental study of precast ferrocement circula r spiral stair elements
278. A study on construction waste
279. Study on stablized quarry dust blocks
280. Water supply system in chickballapur
281. Experimental investigation on quarry dust bricks
282. Ground water analysis around gemini distillaries near nanjangud-phase-2
283. Studies on shallow infiltration tube wells
284. Studies on the strength of bricks mansory using mud mortar
285. Ground water studies in hejmadi kodi village
286. Study of transportation system analysis and temporal pattern recognition case studies
287. Water pollution studies of villages comming under gaddanakeri mandal
288. Groundwater studies in hejamadi-kodi village -a case study
289. Study of strength behaviour of cement stabilized mud block masonry in cement mortar
290. An experimental study on circularly prestressed ferrocement pressure pipes
291. Evaluation studies on air quality model and development of software package
292. Studies on reduction of odour from putrifying pupae in silk reeling units
293. Studies on surface water quality conservation in ramnagaram taluk
294. Studies on ground water qualities in devanahalli taluk
295. Composite t beam roofing with ferrocemnt
296. Flexture and shear properties of ferrocement
297. Ground water quality status in mallathalli area
298. Studeis on ground water quality in kamakshipallya bangalore
299. An experimental study of precast ferrocement roofing element
300. Design and construction of precast hyperbolic paraboloid shell roof for bus stop shelter
301. Expermental investigation on hollow quarry dust bricks
302. Characteristics of silk reeling waste water
303. Studies under ground waterquality in chikkaballapur
304. Epeimental studeis on stabalised mineral waste blocks
305. Status report on drinking water quality in tumkur
306. Status report on ground water quality in tumkur
307. Air pollution monitoring ( spm,sulphur dioxide,nitrogen dioxide) in and around mysore city
308. Studeis on shallow infiltration tube wells
309. Study of municipal sludge as a building material
310. Studies on the strength of stabilised mud block masonry and burnt brick masonry using cement soil quarry dust mortar
311. Traffic volume study using automated surveillance technique
312. A study of local soils for rammed earth construction
313. Study of economising the cost of openings in bulding
314. Study of strenght and properties of eucalyptus as a truss material
315. Cpm and pert analysis for asmall building construction using softwares.
316. Rammed earth wall
317. Design of optimal length of furrows through infiltration studies
318. Sub surface water ( bore well water ) quality analysis ofsiddhaveerappa lay-out
319. Sub surface water quality analysis of shabanur village
320. A study on solid waste management in shimoga city
321. Study of copper tailing as aplastering material
322. A study on preparation of bricks using copper tailing waste
323. Flyash -cement stabilized soil blocks
324. Premature siltation of reservoirs and tanks (causes, processes and a case study)
325. Landslides cause environmental hazards and rehabilation measures
326. Role of geo synthetic in the improvement of strength of soil
327. Compressive strength characteristics of stacked stabilised soil cement blocks
328. Study of sandwitched panel elements as a partitionong wall material
329. Pollution studies in silk industries
330. Experimental investigations on replacement of sand by quarry dust in concrete
331. Load bearing capacity of unreinforced brick masonry vault
332. Experimental investigation on recycled aggregate concrete
333. Studies on shallow infiltration tubewells -iii phase
334. Studies on infiltration tube well system
335. Enhancement of characteristic strength and durability of brick masonry
336. To find the influence of the size of the aggregate of the compressive strength of concrete
337. Study of brick and brick masonry strength for belgaum region
338. Hydrological aspects of drought in gulbarga district
339. Performance studies of oxidation ponds
340. Ferro cement composite with no-fines concrete
341. Conservation by waste water reclamation
342. A study on performance of existing treatment plant of diary waste and improvement of reatment units
343. Lime -flyash - soil blocks
344. A study on effects of light weight aggregates on compressive and flexural strength of concrete
345. Size effect of masonry jointon compressive strength of stablised mud blocks
346. Case study on building cracks and causes and its prevention
347. Treatment and reuse of automobile service station wastewater for vegetation
348. Laboratory study of migration of contaminants through soil column
349. Some studies on the use of strength booster low cost additives in burnt brick manufacture
350. Studies on ground water qualities in hoskote tlauk
351. Studies on surface water quality conservation in anekal taluk
352. Experimental investigation on brick masonry domes
353. Performance studies on california bearing ratio valus using geofabrics
354. Laboratory studies on geofibres as reinforcement in road pavement
355. A scientific study of road humps
356. Study on fluoride concentration in ground water (hand pumps) of kolar district
357. Load bearing capacity of unreinforced brick masonry vault
358. Geographic information system
359. Air pollution studeis360. Stabalised copper tailing blocks
361. Solid waste management forrain bennur town
362. Studies on partial replacement of cement by red mud in mortar
363. Low cost roofing tiles
364. Strengthening of rcc flexure members by epoxy bonded steel plates
365. Evaluation of ground water quality in bijapur city
366. Study of water supply system to bijapur city
367. Some studies on the strength behaviour of fly ash bricks
368. Planning and design of water supply scheme and peoples participation in village manhalli of bidar district
369. Low cost liners for canal
370. Study and manufacture of masonry blocks different machines with different materials
371. A study on low cost housing material bricks made up of building waste
372. Some studies on bamboo reinforced stabilised red soil beam prisms for flexure
373. Size effect of masonry jointon compressive strength of stabilised mud blocks
374. Study of surface water andquality conservation test
375. Studies on soil nailing
376. Load carrying capacity of brick masonry dome
377. Stabilisation of soil with lime for rural roads
378. Strength characteristics ofsubgrade soils reinforced with geogrids
379. Experimental investigations on replacement of sand by graded quarry dust in concrete
380. Liqueconss floors and roofsvaluable additions to design aidssp - 16 for designing flexural members using torkari381. Liqueconss floors and roofs382. Physico-chemical assessment for quality of waterof river tungabhadra
383. Report on urban transport planning project
384. Study of dewatering methods for large scale construction sites.
385. Strength analysis of cement stabilised soil blocks a case study
386. Developmentj of traditionalwater proofing agents (using natural resins) for economy in construction
387. Studies of water quality analysis of tungabhadra river due to disposal of domestic sewage of harihar town
388. Compressive strength of stabilised blocks and masonary prisms
389. Preliminary investigations on red soil cement stabilised coconut shell blocks
390. A study on performance andadoption of tube settler for sedimentation treatment of shimoga city sewage
391. A study on environmental impact assessment and impact management for the proposed auto complex, shimoga city
392. Hydrological aspects of small hydels in western ghats
393. Curve number based watershed model incorporating pipe flow for western ghats
394. Rain water recycling through artifical ground water recharging
395. User interface for electronic road atlas and belur industrial estate
396. Low cost bricks making
397. Design and estimation of ready mix concrete plants
398. Laboratory study on cement- stabilised iron-ore rejections
399. Characterisation of the fort lake for its quality and pollution
400. Intergated assessment of water quality status of muddebihal taluk
401. Study of flourine content inground water of gulbarga district
402. Variations in strength of concrete and masonary units
403. Environment suitability for locating industries in raichur taluka
404. Ground water quality evaluation karkala town
405. To study some of the physico-chemical
Charactersticsof bathe lake
406. Appropriate technology to manufacture common building burnt brick
407. Water evaporation and weeds control by mulching in drip irrigation system
408. A study on effect of pollutants on land and river due to discharge of paper packaging factory waste water
409. A study on handling collection and utilization of cityrefuse
410. Behaviour of masonry wall subjected to dynamic load
411. Optimal bus deployment in dharwad city using g.i.s
412. Charcterising analysis of textile mill effluent and its impact on receiving bodies
413. Crushed stone dust cement blocks
414. Stabilized manganese-ore tailings blocks
415. Solid waste management- acase study of belgaum city
416. Impact of industrial solid wastes on soil and sub-surface water
417. Intergated assessment of water quality status of muddebihal taluk
418. Labaraotaory studies on geotextiles reinforced soil for pavements
419. Pollution of jagat lake of gulbarga city and its efect on ground water quality
420. Geomorphological and hydrogeochemical studies of nagalapur halla basin
421. A study on assessment of pollution of tunga river and adjoining ground water
422. Mangalore tile waste as coarse aggregate in concrete
423. Effect of blast furnace slag on soil-cement stabilization
424. Stabilized haalu mannu blocks425. Effects due to untreated disposal of municipal sewage
426. Development of b.c soil stabilised building blocks using lime and flyash
427. Portable low cost ferrocement water tank
428. Ground water quality analysis in bidar town
429. Impact of urbanization on groundwater resources of raichur city
430. Quality study of sewage in davangere district
431. Flyash concrete door shutters
432. Effect of auto exhaust and various emissions on ambient air quality of shimoga city
433. Treatability studies of dairyeffluent using anaerobic filter ( af )
434. Soil-industrial effluent interaction and their engineering behaviour
435. Heavy metal pollution due to anthropogenic activities - a case study of belgaum fort lak
436. A laboratory study on the utilisation of red muds in pavements and as building material
437. Stabilized blocks of haalu mannu
438. Development of b.c soil stabilised building blocks using lime flyash
439. Development of masonry mortar using limestone polished slurry and cement
440. Design of eco-friendly home for conservation of energy
441. Flyash mosaic flooring tiles
442. Study of heavy metals in tungabhadra river near harihar
443. Quality of groundwater for drinking purpose in the vicinity of an open drain of udupi muncipal area
444. Potability of natural tank waters in dharwad district445. Treatment of sugar waste using anaerobic filter446. A case study of occupational hazards of asbestos industries : ramco industries, karur447. Utilization of man made waste in man-made structures448. Accident investigation on urban roads of gulbarga city
449. Improvement of cohesive strength of local clay using geotextile by sandwich technolgy
450. Computer aided drought analysis of bidar dist. And its management
451. Flyash laterite bricks
452. Study of groundwater storage in bhalki sub region using erm
453. Stabilisation of expansive black cotton soil - an experimental approach
454. Exploration for groundwater in karanja river basin in karnataka using erm
455. Study of role of judiciary and citizen in environment protection and sustainable development in bidar district
456. Properties and suitability offine quarry dut for the final coat plastering and impervious layer
457. Suitability of beach sand asfine aggregate for concrete
458. Brick masonary building model with seismic bands under the action of base motion
459. Laboratory study of antistripping agents and accountability of quality aspects in psi
460. Characteristics properties of concrete with mixed fibres using waste plastic and waste coiled teel fibres
461. Waste plastic fibre reinforced concrete with polymers-turning pollution to solution
462. Investigation on coiled fibre reinforced concrete with tile waste as coarse aggregate
463. Effect of microsilica-600 onthe properties of waste plastic fibre reinforced concrete
464. Evaluation of quality of water supply of belgaum city -acase study
465. Concreting practices in belgaum - a case study
466. Comparative study of strength of welded mesh and expanded metal in ferrocement
467. Improvement of cohesive strength of local clay by sandwich method
468. Strength properties of bhalki soil
469. Strength of reinforced soil beams under flexture
470. Land use/land cover studies using satellite images - a case study
471. Design of economical formworks and scaffolding for concrete structures
472. Evaluation of bottled mineral water for drinking purpose in and around manipal, udupi district, karnataka
473. Seismic evalution kof cornerand containment reinforced for masonry buildings
474. Behaviour of filler slab in low cost housing
475. Structural analysis using finite element method
476. Domestic water treatment plant
477. Low cost technology for fluoride removal
478. Stabilization of soft soils using industrial wastes
479. Study of strength parameters of silica fume concrete
480. Analysis of performance of the existing sewage treament plant at ks hegde memorial hospital
481. Study of geo-technical and strength parameters of lateriteblocks in and around karkal talaq
482. Design and construction of folded ferrocement boat
483. Road accident analysis and engineering measurement in mangalore municipal area
484. Electrical resistivity surveyfor ground water exploration and mangement in mit campus, manipal
485. Demonstration of sway modes and torsion modes of framed structures using shakingtable
486. Water quality monitoring ofmadiwala lake
487. Quality performance of stabilized mud blocks using flyash,cement and lime
488. Studies on structural behaviour and efficiency of arch paneled tile roofing for low cost housing
489. Resistance of waste plasticfibre reinforced concrete under acid and alkali test
490. Waste plastic fibre reinforced concrete using recycled coarse aggregate
491. Rubber latex fiber reinforced concrete solution to many copnstruction problems
492. Development of insulation bricks using fly ash & waste materials from silica mines
493. A project report on effect of leachate on index and strength properties of the soil
494. Design of flexible and rigid pavement using lime,cement and flyash as stabilizing materials
495. Solid waste management of davangere city muncipality
496. Experimental study on utilization of silica fume in concrete
497. Study on cost effective arch lintel for rural houses using concrete blocks with industrial waste
498. An experimental study for the development of a sequential procedure for obtaining self compacting concrete by repeated dosage of super plasticizers and different dosages of retarders
499. Artificial recharge of ground water
500. Studies on water management and ground water recharge in dayananda sagar college of engineering - a case study
501. Studies on defluoridation for water quality affected kolar district, karnataka - a case study
502. Study of encased composite beams503. Eco-friendly campus
504. Evaluation of highway materials and design performance
505. Behaviour of lateral resistance of flexible piles in layered soils
506. Sediment yield in relation tohydrogeomorphological charactristics of venkatapur river basin using gis and remote sensing
507. Environmental impact due tothe contamination of bellary nalla
508. Study of properties of frc on concrete pavement
509. The strengths of recron 3s fibrous concrete with and without super plasticizers
510. Study of cement property blended with locally available clay material
511. Defluoridation of water using tamarind gel
512. Roof rainwater harvesting -a case study
513. Experimental study on utilization of blast furnace slagin concrete
514. Proximity of transportationnetwork of shimoga city using remote sensing and gis
515. Groundwater quality at bommasandra industrial area
516. Operational research in building materials with a detailed study on clay blocks
517. Strength and eleastic property characterisation of concrete block masonry
518. Determination of aggregate shape factors using universal thickness-length guage
519. Cost effective technology on masonry arch lintel using concrete bricks of ceramic wastes
520. Studies on the use of fly ash in concrete for energy saving and to promote sustainability
521. Behaviour of rcc members under combined torsion, flexure and shear
522. Hydrological status of a few tanks in and around mysore a study using gis and remote sensing
523. Fly ash concrete
524. Rainwater management and conjunctive use
525. Gis enabled study of artificial recharge structures
526. Widening and strengthening of existing state highwaycase problem of package m4(kship)
527. Utilization of high volume fly ash in manufacturing of building bricks
528. Traffic analysis and pavement evaluation along nh-17
529. Workability of cement basedcomposites
530. Use of fly ash in road constructions
531. Study on partial replacement of cement by fly ash in fiber reinforced cement concrete
532. An experimental study on enhancement of strength of concrete embers using wrapping technology
533. An experimental study on mix proportioning of self-compacting concrete by different mix procedures
534. Evaluation of treatment plant efficiency using toxicity index-a case study of textile industries
535. Evaluation of physio-chemical and biological characteristics of reservoir water fed by pollutted river and its effect on soil propertiesand nutrients in crops
536. Investigation of strength properties of black cotton soil stabilised with fly ash and geo reinforcement
537. Studies on stabilised rammed earth for wall construction using lighter mould
538. Shear strength of brick masonry wall elements with opening
539. Shear strength characteristics of brick masonry
540. Shear strength of brick masonry wall elements without opening
541. A comprehensive approach for analysis and design of an multistoried building using staadpro-2003
542. Studies on strength and behaviour of composite tubes for earthquake resistant industrial structures
543. Behaviour of reinforced fly ash concrete under flexure-an experimental investigation
544. Mix design for pavement overlays for sustainable development
545. Cost effective technology on masonry arch lintel using concrete bricks of recycled concrete aggregates
546. Sediment and water quality analysis of revier shimsha a tributary of cauvery river basin
547. Study and analysis of water quality for suvarnavathi river in cauvery basin
548. A study of physical properties of fine-grained soils under different environmental conditions
549. A study on the use of rice husk ash in concrete from sustainability consideration
550. Study on infiltration rate on different soils of mysore city
551. Gis - for rain water recharge to enhance the ground water
552. Improving the strength of subgrade using building debris
553. A study of on route planning for efficient scheduling of city buses in hassan city
554. Experimental study of gap graded cement asphalt concretefor highway pavement
555. Investigation and characterization of the solid waste disposal sites and its impact on soil and water in the bagalkot district
556. Study of vma on self compacting concrete
557. Analysis of hyperbolic paraboloid shell foundation
558. Analysis of stability of slopes at pernem station, goa
559. Better management practices (bmps) of shrimp farming in coastal region
560. Proposed mini hydel projectat dabewadi
561. Use of industrial waste-red mud in the production of self compacting concrete
562. Electronics waste management (computer & its accessories) for belgaum city
563. High volume fly ash concrete-a boon in bulk utilization of industrial waste
564. Eco friendly fuels
565. An experimental investigation on the characteristic strength properties and durability aspects of ternary blended concrete containing industrial wastes as pozzalonic materials
566. Investigation and characterization of solid waste disposal sites and its impact study on water and soil of bijapur district
567. Pavement stabilization usingiron ore waste along n.h-17
568. Defluoridation of water using tamarind gel
569. Feasibility studies on roof top rainwater harvesting at n.e.t. Campus, nitte
570. Workability of cement basedcomposites
571. Critical reappricial of different methods of assessmentof workability of cement composites
572. Mix design for self compacting concrete
573. Impact on ground and surface water by open dumping of solid waste
574. An investigation on characteristics properties of high performance self compacting concrete for m20 and m30 grade
575. An investigation on characteristics properties of high performance self compacting concrete for m40 and m50
576. Studies on sleeved composite columns for seismic ressistant industrial structures
577. Effect of ph on physical properties of fine-grained soils
578. Studies on steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete using fly ash and rice husk ash
579. Identification and investigation of solid waste dumping site in mandya
580. A study of laterite particles in adsorption of oil and grease
581. Stabilization of subgrade using geosynthetics
582. Infiltration study in and around bhatkal region
583. Uniformity studies and performance of sprinkler and drip irrigation in bhatkal region
584. Utilization of pozzolanic wastes in the production of wastes coiled fibre reinforced concrete
585. Use of recycled aggregates,waste plastic fibres and flyash in the production of bituminous mix for flexible pavements
586. An experimental investigation on the strength and workability characteristics of polypropylene fiber reinforced tertiary blended concrete using industrial wastes
587. Effective utilization of bauxite residue(red mud) in brick making
588. Experimental studies on structural behaviour of composite slabs
589. Identification, delineation and mapping of micro watersheds and rehabilitation studies on traditional rain water harvesting structures in the mulky river basin
590. Design and construction of floating structure
591. Design of conveyance system for construction materials
592. Load carrying capacity of mosonry vaults- experimental investigation on scaled masonry
593. Seismic resistance verification of confined masonry using shock table studies594. Studies on rat trap bond maosnry using stablized mud blocks
595. A comparitive study on various antistripping agents in bituminous mixes
596. Effect of ageing in various bituminous mixes
597. Creation of digital databasefor gce campus
598. Comparative strength analysis of rubbers and/cement and mortar-encased steel composite columns for seismic resistance
599. Comparative strength analysis of concrete/sfrc-encased steel composite columns for seismic resistance
600. Studies on sleeved composite columns confined withglass fiber reinforced polymer(gfrp) for seismic resistance
601. Study on behaviour of composite column
602. An experimental investigation on utilization of fly ash for alternativ masonry units
603. Utilisation of iron ore tailings as an alternative fine aggregate
604. Solid waste management of bagalkot city a case study
605. Variation of aggregate impact value (aiv) based on specific gravity and flakiness of aggregate
606. Utilization of sugar-lill waste water for biogas generation using hybrid anaerobic reactor
607. Modernization of hubli airport
608. Fibre reinforced concrete and cocktail fibre reinforced concrete as repair materials
609. Strength characteristics ofhybrid fiber reinforced concrete using waste rubber tyre and waste coiled fibers
610. Characteristic study of bc soil of budni village
611. Experimental studies on mix proportioning and strength properties of pavement quality and lean concrete with high volume flyash
612. Stabilisation of black cotton soil using bioenzymes forpavement construction
613. Study on blending of quarrydust in large volume for structural component availablein udupi and d k
614. Study on utilisation of building materials from demolished structures
615. An experimental study on effect of ratio of different sizedcoarse aggregates on compressive strength of self compacting concrete616. Watershed analysis of tippagondanahalli lake using remote sensing and gis implications for watershed management617. Detrmination of cbr value by correlation and regression analysis
618. Interlocking in mud blocks for improved flexural strength and earth quake resistance
619. Flexural behaviour of gfrp wrapped masonry beams
620. Effect of air void content inaging characteristics of bituminous mix
621. Bearing capacity of annularring footings resting on reinforced sand
622. Creation of base map for water and sewage network for ramanagaram town using remotesensing and geographic information system
623. Sustanable and cost effective building material technology through partial replacement of cement by granite cutting slurry waste powder and partial replacement of coarse aggregates by mangalore tile bats for arch lintels
624. Design and evaluation of high volume flyash concrete forrigid pavement overlays
625. Geopolymer mortar
626. Evaluation of minimum shearreinforcement in rc beams
627. Geopolymer concrete
628. Studies on ductility of reinforced concrete beams in shear
629. Influence of volume of paste on fresh and hardened properties of self compacting concrete using recycled aggregates
630. Study on strength behaviour of concerte using foundry dust in fine aggregate
631. Assessment of water quality index for ground water case study-dharwad taluka
632. Measurement of evapotranspiration using lysimeter
633. Enhancing the strength properties of recycled aggregate concrete through theuse of supplimentary cementing materials
634. Experimental studies on air entrained ferrocement panels with high volume fly ash and compatibility of its connection
635. Rice husk ash concrete blocks
636. An integrated approach for the sustainable watershed development in mulki river
637. Novel material for water treatment
638. Master planning for developing an underdeveloped area at indiranagar madikeri
639. Water resource assessmentand management plan generationusing remote sensing and geographical information system-a case study of doddamudavadi micro watershed
640. Mix design and strength characteristics of reactive powder concrete
641. Experimental study on resistance of self compacting concrete to elevated temperature and verification of ratio of compressive strengths of cube to that of cylinder for scc
642.fg A study on municipal solid waste management in outtur town-dakshina kannada.
643. Effect of domestic wastewater on soil properties around treatment plant
644. Electrochemical coagulation(ecc) technology for treatment of hospital wastewater
645. Waterclarification using moringa oleifera (drumstick seeds)
646. Comparative study of colour removal and treatment of coffee effluent using bagassefly ash and laterite as a filtering media
647. Earthquake resitant design and construction
648. Light weight concrete
649. Heavy density concretes fornuclear reactors
650. Study of machine foundationfor hydraulic laboratory.
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