What’s new in AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2012?
What’s new in
AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2012?
3D Reinforcement
AutoCAD Structural Detailing now displays
reinforcement and reinforced concrete element geometry in 3D views. 3D
visualization helps you check if reinforcement is properly defined. It also
helps you identify reinforcement bar collisions and errors in the placement of
steel reinforcement.
Enhanced Beam
& Column Macros:
This new feature extends the present functionality
of reinforcement column and beam macros to include:
· New transversal reinforcement templates that allow
you to implement your own templates
· The ability to automatically divide the main
reinforcement bars of a beam according to the maximum length of reinforcement,
defined in the database with appropriate length of lap splices
· These macros are currently available in AutoCAD
Structural Detailing, Autodesk Revit Structure, and Autodesk Robot Structural
Analysis software.
Solid Objects on
· Now you can display solid objects on structural
drawings, including items that are typically supported by a steel structure,
such as concrete foundations, concrete or masonry walls, concrete slabs, and
plant structures. While these elements do not necessarily affect the structural
steel design, they are a necessary part of the structural modeling process, and
they offer a more accurate display and visualization of the structure on
detailed drawings.
Weld Symbols on
· The new definition dialogue box makes it possible
to create manual weld definitions on drawings.
Bolts, Nuts
& Washers Positioning:
· Now it’s easier to create, modify, and update bolt
connections and to position bolts, nuts, and washers.

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