Analytical Skills
- Are you analytical? Give us one
example of your analytical abilities.
- Tell us about a particulary
difficult problem that you analyzed and what was your recommendation.
- Where do you want to be 5 years
from now in your career?
- Where do you see yourself 10 years
from now?
- How confident are you that you can
successfully perform the duties of this position and why?
- Tell us about a situation that
would demonstrate the level of confidence that you have in yourself.
- Tell us about a situation that
would demonstrate the level of confidence your manager has in you.
- Tell us about a situation that
would show the confidence your coworkers have in you.
- Are you creative? Give us one
example of your creativity.
- Describe a situation where you
came up with a creative solution to a problem.
- What type of decisions do you make
in your current position?
- What decisions are easiest for you
to make and which ones are the most difficult? Why?
- What steps are involved in making
a decision?
- What items of information do you
typically need before you make a decision?
Remember, there are no perfect decisions.
- Provide us with an example of your
ability to work independently.
Give an example. The example may relate what you did in an emergency situation. If this is an entry level position, use an example from school or sports or other activities.
- What do you think your supervisor
would say about your work?
- What do you think your coworker
would say about your work?
- What would your boss say about you
- both positive and negative?
- What would your subordinates say
about - both positive and negative?
- What would your co-workers say
about you - both positive and negative?
- What three keywords would your
peers use to describe you?
- What one thing would your boss say
that he or she has the greatest problem with you?
- Describe a situation in which your
work was criticized?
Describe the situation and how you responded to the criticism. - How would your subordinates
describe you?
- Tell us about the last time you
lost your temper?
- What situations make you lose your
- Tell us about the worst supervisor
you've worked under.
- Tell us about the best supervisor
you've worked under.
- Tell us about a confrontation that
you've had with a coworker.
- How do you maintain an effective
working relationship with your coworkers?
- How would your best friend
describe you?
- How would your worst enemy
describe you?
- In instances where you are
required to assert yourself, what do you do to assert yourself
- Tell us about your morals and
- Describe for us your ethics.
- Relate to us a confrontation that
you've had with your supervisor. Who was wrong and why?
- Relate to us the last time you
dealt with an ethical question on the job and how did you handle the
- What did you do the last time you
were asked to submit a report that due to time and resource constraints,
compromise quality?
- Tell us about a situation that
would exemplify your integrity.
- Describe a politically sensitive
situation that you were in and how you handled the situation.
- Tell us about a situation where
you made a mistake. How did you handle the mistake and what was the
- Under what circumstances should
you bypass your supervisor and go to your supervisor's supervisor?
- Give us a situation that
illustrates your ability to exercise good judgement.
- What experience have you had in
pressure situations?
- Tell us about a pressure situation
you were in that would demonstrate your ability to work under pressure.
- Provide us with an example of how
you've asserted yourself in an emergency or high-pressure situation?
- What does it take to get under
your skin?
- What are some constructive methods
of dealing with stress?
- Why are manhole covers round?
A test of your ability to think under pressure. Would a round manhole cover or a square manhole cover fall through the hole?
- Briefly describe the most
significant responsibility you have had in your career and what it taught
- How do you handle responsibility?
- How do you deal with risk on the
- Name the greatest risk that you've
- Name the greatest risk that you've
taken which resulted in failure.
- Why should we hire you?
- What are your three greatest
- What can you contribute to our
- Assume that you are a candidate in
the coming general election. Tell me why you are the best candidate
in the field.
- What is your greatest strength?
- We've interviewed a number of
highly qualified students for this position. What sets you apart
from the others?
- What are your strengths?
- What part of your current job are
you the most comfortable with?
- What are your strong points and
how have they helped you to succeed?
- What is your greatest weakness?
- Name your three greatest
- Which is the worst of your three
greatest weaknesses and why?
- What are your weaknesses?
- What part of your current job are
you the least comfortable with?
- What are your weak points and how
have you overcome them?
- What about yourself would you want
to improve
- In which area do you need to make
the improvement in?
- Tell us about the passion in your
life as it relates to your work.
- What are your most outstanding
- If you were to start your own
company, what would that company do?
- Tell me about the last book that
you read.
- If you were a cucumber in a salad
and some body was about to eat you, what would you do?
- What are your worst qualities?
- What is your favorite color and
what does it reflect in your personality?
- Rate yourself from one to ten on
your work ethic with ten being best .
- Describe yourself.
Entry Level
- What experience have you had as a
Accounts Payable
- How many invoices have you handled
on a monthly basis?
- What steps would you take before
approving an invoice for payment?
- What items of information do you
need before you can approve an invoice for payment?
- Tell us about your experience in
accounts payable.
- Tell us about an invoice
discrepancy that you discovered and how you resolved the discrepancy.
- Tell us about an invoice dispute
that you were involved in and what your role was in resolving the dispute.
- Tell us about your experience in
accounts payable.
Accounts Receivable
- To what extent were you involved
in collections?
- You've been asked to prepare a
bill for services. What information should be included in the bill?
- Tell us about your experience in
conducting audits.
Cost Accounting
- Tell us about your experience in
cost Accounting.
- Describe some of the methods used
to allocate support costs.
- What are fixed costs?
- What are variable costs?
- What is marginal cost?
Fixed Assets
- What experience have you had in
fixed assets Accounting?
General Ledger
- What experience do you have with
general ledger?
- Based on Internal Revenue Service
rules, what criteria distinguish a consultant from an employee?
- What experience have you had in
- How might quality problems
manifest themselves in an accounting department?
- What cost-cutting measures have
you implemented?
- Which accounting systems are you
familiar with?
- Identify some important steps to
take during the conversion of an accounting system.
- What percentage of discounts lost
did you have in Accounts Payable? Did the percentage increase or
decrease under your supervision?
- What is benchmarking?
- What experience have you had in
- Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of benchmarking a government agency to the public sector and
benchmarking to the private sector.
- What are the keys for implementing
a performance measurement program?
- What are some of the means by
which performance can be measured?
- What requirements should be met in
order to measure performance?
- What does "best
practices" mean?
- How would you communicate the
implementation of performance measurements so as to not panic staff?
- What is a budget?
- Provide us with an example of how
"zero-based budgeting" would apply to the staffing in your
- What is the difference between a
capital budget and an expense budget?
- Name some typical operating
- Why is it that the direct salary
paid to an employee does not represent the total cost of the employee to
the organization?
- What experience have you had in
developing a budget?
- What is the purpose of a budget?
- What are the steps involved in
preparing a budget?
- What is zero-based budgeting?
- Have you conducted a budget
- Define the internal rate of
- How may the internal rate of
return be used in capital budgeting?
- What are the benefits of
- How would you prepare a
cost/benefit analysis for an automation system?
Cost Control
- What are some of cost-cutting
steps you could take to reduce fleet expenses?
- Your expenditures for office
supplies have increased by 50% over the past two years. What steps will
you take to determine the reason for the increase?
- What is the relationship between a
cost accounting system and a budget?
- What benefits does a cost
accounting system provide?
- You have been asked to recommend
some criteria for reducing the budget. What criteria will you recommend
for reducing the budget?
- You have been asked to reduce the
information technology budget. How will you do this?
- You have been asked to reduce the
training budget. How would you determine the reductions?
- Your expenditures for office
supplies have increased by 50% over the past two years. What steps will
you take to control and reduce expenditures?
- Overtime expenditures have
increased over the past year. Yet, the workload has not increased. What
steps will you take to control overtime?
- You have been asked to reduce the
staff for your organization by 10%. How will you go about this?
- Cost reduction is often associated
with budget reductions. What are some positive means of reducing costs?
- What are the factors involved in a
cost/benefit analysis?
- What are the potential pitfalls
when the variances of budget versus actual expenditures are expressed only
as percentages?

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