Concrete Frame Design Etabs Learning Tutorial
Concrete Frame Design Etabs Learning Tutorial
General Concrete Frame Design Information
1 General Design Information
Design Codes 1-1
Units 1-1
Overwriting the Frame Design Procedure for a Concrete
Frame 1-1
Design Load Combinations 1-2
Design of Beams 1-2
Design of Columns 1-3
Beam/Column Flexural Capacity Ratios 1-4
Second Order P-Delta Effects 1-4
Element Unsupported Lengths 1-6
Analysis Sections and Design Sections 1-7
2 Concrete Frame Design Process
Concrete Frame Design Procedure 2-1
3 Interactive Concrete Frame Design General 3-1
Concrete Design Information Form 3-1
4 Output Data Plotted Directly on the Model
Overview 4-1
Using the Print Design Tables Form 4-1
Design Input 4-2
Design Output 4-2Concrete Frame Design Manual
Ii Concrete Frame Design Specific to UBC97
5 General and Notation
Introduction to the UBC 97 Series of Technical
Notation 5-2
6 Preferences
General 6-1
Using the Preferences Form 6-1
Preferences 6-2
7 Overwrites
General 7-1
Overwrites 7-1
Making Changes in the Overwrites Form 7-3
Resetting Concrete Frame Overwrites to Default Values
8 Design Load Combinations
9 Strength Reduction Factors
10 Column Design
Overview 10-1
Generation of Biaxial Interaction Surfaces 10-2
Calculate Column Capacity Ratio 10-5
Determine Factored Moments and Forces 10-6
Determine Moment Magnification Factors 10-6
Determine Capacity Ratio 10-8
Required Reinforcing Area 10-10
Design Column Shear Reinforcement 10-10
Determine Required Shear Reinforcement 10-14
Reference 10-15
11 Beam Design
Overview 11-1
Design Beam Flexural Reinforcement 11-1
Determine Factored Moments 11-2
Determine Required Flexural Reinforcement
11-2Contents iii
Design Beam Shear Reinforcement 11-10
12 Joint Design
Overview 12-1
Determine the Panel Zone Shear Force 12-1
Determine the Effective Area of Joint 12-5
Check Panel Zone Shear Stress 12-5
Beam/Column Flexural Capacity Ratios 12-6
13 Input Data
Input data 13-1
Using the Print Design Tables Form 13-3
14 Output Details
Using the Print Design Tables Form 14-3
Concrete Frame Design Specific to ACI-318-99
15 General and Notation
Introduction to the ACI318-99 Series of Technical
Notation 15-2
16 Preferences
General 16-1
Using the Preferences Form 16-1
Preferences 16-2
17 Overwrites
General 17-1
Overwrites 17-1
Making Changes in the Overwrites Form 17-3
Resetting Concrete Frame Overwrites to Default
18 Design
Load Combinations
19 Strength
Reduction FactorsConcrete Frame Design Manual
20 Column Design
Overview 20-1
Generation of Biaxial Interaction Surfaces 20-2
Column Capacity Ratio 20-5
Determine Factored Moments and Forces 20-6
Determine Moment Magnification Factors 20-6
Determine Capacity Ratio 20-9
Required Reinforcing Area 20-10
Design Column Shear Reinforcement 20-10
Determine Section Forces 20-11
Determine Concrete Shear Capacity 20-12
Determine Required Shear Reinforcement 20-13
References 20-15
21 Beam Design
Overview 21-1
Design Beam Flexural Reinforcement 21-1
Determine Factored Moments 21-2
Determine Required Flexural Reinforcement
Design for T-Beam 21-5
Minimum Tensile Reinforcement 21-8
Special Consideration for Seismic Design 21-8
Design Beam Shear Reinforcement 21-9
Determine Shear Force and Moment 21-11
Determine Concrete Shear Capacity 21-12
Determine Required Shear Reinforcement 21-13
22 Joint Design
Overview 22-1
Determine the Panel Zone Shear Force 22-1
Determine the Effective Area of Joint 22-4
Check Panel Zone Shear Stress 22-4
Beam/Column Flexural Capacity Ratios 22-6
23 Input Data
Input Data 23-1
Using the Print Design Tables Form 23-324
Output Details
Using the Print Design Tables Form 24-3

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